Monthly Archives: January 2015

Crawling From Under Your Feet

feet pictureHate is a strong word, and in most cases it’s too strong a word for me to use. However, there are a few things I have an aversion to in this world: whiners, spiders, liars, thieves and feet.

Today, I will talk about feet.

I am a foot-watcher. I look at people’s feet all the time. In fact, I could say that what I dislike about feet is my obsession with looking at feet. If exposed feet are within my field of view, my gaze immediately falls upon them. It’s an involuntary reflexive act and I don’t realize I’m doing it until after I have already fed upon my obsessive, compulsive need.

I admire pretty feet. Perfect toes make me smile. Babies’ feet, those are some amazing little eye-candy. It’s funny, how I can’t recall ever laying eyes on a baby’s foot that was ugly or rough or unsightly. They are soft and beautiful, no matter the child. I have found myself even reaching out to touch babies’ feet, just to remind myself that feet were not always the most disgusting features on the human body.

Most feet repel me. I see more of the ugly, misshapen, calloused and rough versions than I do the faultless ones. Toes that twist and bend in unnatural ways, or lengthy ones that curl off the end of the sandal to touch the earth below. Gnarled knuckles and bunions make me want to puke. So do rippled toenails hued jaundice yellow, whose thickness and texture would only be likened to Ruffles® brand cheddar potato chips.

My father’s feet were not bad-looking, but oh my goodness, the smell would permeate the room in two seconds flat after removing his work boots at the end of a hard day. I would almost bet his socks would have stuck to the wall if I had thrown them at one. Yuck. The thought, the memory, of my dad’s feet jolts me back in time. He passed away years ago, and so did the stench.

My feet are not the ideal perfection I so often seek in the world. My second toe is slightly longer than my big toe (but it doesn’t hang off the end of my sandal). Once, when I was a little girl, a cousin once compared that second toe to her pinky finger. Snuggled together, side by side, they were the same length. I think I was eight or nine years old then, young enough to know embarrassment and avoided wearing sandals with open toes again until l was twenty-six years old.

Yes, I stare at feet. I admit it. Am I proud of myself? Definitely not. Maybe what I seek to find are those rare examples of natural beauty – so few among the masses – and from those I have seen, most are simply repulsive.

Will I ever find the cure to my rotten obsession? I often daydream of a day, sometime in my future, where I can actually look someone in the eye when I’m speaking to them.

For now, all I can say with relative certainty is, “If you’re wearing sandals, I’m crawling from under your feet.”

P.C. Shoffner – ©2012

[This was a creative writing submission to Gotham Writing Course’s Creative Writing Class. I had so much fun writing this one. The professor loved it and recommended I expand it from 500 words to 1500 and submit it for publication. That time has not come…yet]

Creative Commons License This work by Patricia C. Shoffner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at 

The Poet

Love Shines
Truth Knows
Kindred Spirits
Old Souls
Beauty Fears
Passion Rocks
Wisdom Listens
Ego Talks
Trust Your Self

© 2015 – P.C. Shoffner

Creative Commons License
This work by Patricia C. Shoffner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at 

Freedom to Express My Soft and Fluffy Self


How do we go about profiling ourselves? What do we want others to know and ultimately appreciate about us? Words are so fun, yet so damned intimidating.

At last, I think I have found the right words to express my soft and fluffy self.

If you’re looking for Barbie – I ate her for breakfast. (Just kidding. I prefer dark meat).

My friends describe me as fun, witty, intelligent, optimistic and kindhearted. My guiding principle is integrity (how you act when no one is looking). I am honest, almost to a fault. I am bold and beautiful, through and through. I know who I am and what I want. Most people are attracted to my sense of humor (as twisted as it can sometimes be), my easy-going nature, overall lightheartedness and electric spiritual energy.

I am fun to be around and have no problem with making friends socially, professionally or otherwise. I am an eternal optimist and can find the positive in any situation.

And I hate to shop. Sorry, fellas. (No, seriously).

I am a divorced mother of three children – but don’t run for the hills just yet – I’m not looking for a “baby daddy.” Their father is an active and integral part of their daily lives. We shared 15 years of marriage – now we share 50/50 custody weeks. Now, having every other week off from motherhood, I really have some time to explore new relationships.

Honestly, I never thought I would ever be here – single. I was a devoted wife and mother who worked hard to maintain a beautiful home, have fun, set a good example for my children, and gave everything I had to everyone else. Everyone else but me. I learned rather quickly that by sacrificing my happiness for the sake of my family, I wasn’t doing anyone any favors. Ultimately, my (ex) husband found comfort in the arms of another woman (for the second time) and I found comfort in kicking his ass to the curb.

Personal growth. Respect. Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. Humor. Kindness. Non-judgment. Drama free. These things are all personal qualities I possess, and offer my future partner, and what I will expect in return. I drink on occasion and hope to quit smoking for good someday. My partner will be comfortable leading by example and being a positive role model for everyone else in the family.

If you are an addict or an alcoholic, I’m not the girl for you.

I love to fish, hike and camp, and snuggle next to a warm fire. I am equally comfortable at home and in bed. I love good sex and never claim to have a headache. Actually, orgasm produces oxytocin, which eliminates headaches, so women who claim to have a headache just plain irritate me.

I am looking for romance, chivalry, passion, adventure, a fabulous sense of humor, intelligent conversation, shared interests and a joke (dirty or otherwise) from time to time. I love to have fun, laugh, play, kiss, hug, hold hands, eat great food, enjoy a drink here or there, and make people laugh. I used to be an adrenaline junkie and have gone skydiving, bungee jumping and rock climbing. I don’t do it any more, but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t again. I face my fears head on – except for spiders – that would be your job.

I am a pretty good shot when it comes to billiards, but not so much with a .357 – not for lack of trying. I play an average game of chess and enjoy games like cribbage, scrabble, and trivial pursuit. One game of pictionary had me laughing so hard, I farted loud enough for everyone to hear. Now that was fun!

Is it too early to mention power tools?

I live in a small mountain town in Southwest Colorado. I don’t make a lot of money, but I have a job that makes me happy and affords me the opportunity to make a difference in my own community. I am a good listener, attentive, ready to make the quick decision if need be, and can remain calm and resilient in a crisis.

I’m not sure I can successfully navigate a long distance relationship, but I am willing to try. If the opportunity presents itself, and Mr. Right On The Button sweeps me off my feet, relocation is a welcomed possibility.

If you like your women full-figured (soft and fluffy) then please, by all means, inquire within.

© 2015 – P.C. Shoffner

Creative Commons License
This work by Patricia C. Shoffner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at