Tag Archives: fear

Empowered Feminine Rising

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Embracing 50 Strands of Gray

So…I’m pretty sure this is the real me, forever to remain me. So a handful of opinions deserve a handful of truth…

First of all, I wasn’t thinking about how anyone other than me would be affected by it.

I was inspired by a very hot and supremely badass Demi Moore in GI Jane…





Second, my hair hadn’t always been unhealthy, thinning or wayward in weird circles of cow-licked-growth. It is now, and I can accept that. I don’t need to be reminded of it daily, and the benefit of no bed head, no products or blow drying, no hairs blowing in my face, in any of my food or shed anywhere…and the #2 pencil-eraser size dab of shampoo and conditioner… Huge. HUGE! All the way around.

Third, while original estimates were that I lost about 60-70% of my normal rate of male approached advances and basic interactions – I have clearly gained at least 35-50% more female advancement…and 99% of women tell me how they would be too afraid…shame.

It is my thing to have, all mine to explore and BAM! I own this look! Plus, my kids know that appearance isn’t everything, and what other people think…they can OWN IT and keep it too.
LADIES and GENTLEMEN rock your day with the Energy of Appreciation!

Mom Deserves A Holiday